A Model of Factors Influencing Glycemic Control Behavior among Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus A1
Attitude, Belief, Gestational diabetes mellitus, Glycemic control behavior, Intention, Pregnancy, Self-control behavior, Subjective normAbstract
Gestational diabetes mellitus is glucose intolerance during pregnancy, increasing health risk in the mothers, feti, and subsequent children. Understanding the factors influencing glycemic control behaviors is necessary to control plasma glucose levels. This study developed and tested the Model of Factors Influencing Glycemic Control Behavior among Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus A1. The Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a conceptual framework to guide the study. The participants were 252 pregnant women with the condition from two tertiary hospitals in Thailand, and whose blood glucose could be controlled by exercise and diet. Data were collected using a demographic data form and five scales on attitude, subjective norm, belief in self-control behavior, intention, and glycemic control behavior. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 18.0 and the Mplus statistical package version 7.0.
Results showed that the modified model fitted with the empirical data and accounted for 51.8% of the variance of glycemic control behavior. Intention and belief in self-control behavior directly affected glycemic control behavior. Attitude, subjective norm and belief in self-control behavior indirectly affected glycemic control behavior via intention. Among these factors, intention had the most substantial effect on glycemic control behavior. These findings suggest that nursing interventions should enhance intention by reinforcing positive attitudes, belief in self-control behavior, and support from subjective norms to promote glycemic control behavior. This model needs to be applied and tested for effectiveness in clinical practice.
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