A Phenomenological Study of Health-risk Behaviors among Thai Adolescents who Drop-out from School


  • Suree Jinruang RN, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Graduate Studied, Mahidol University, Thailand
  • Rutja Phuphaibul RN, DNS, Professor, Ramathibodi School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
  • Uthaithip Jiawiwatkul PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Rungnapa Panitrat RN, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Thailand


adolescent school dropout, health-risk behaviors, phenomenology


                  This study explored the lived experiences of adolescents residing in a slum area in Thailand who had dropped out of school. Giorgi’s phenomenological methodology was used, and data gathered through focus group discussion and semi-structured interviews with 14 participants.  Data were collected from July 2011 to June 2012. This study illuminated the lived experiences of the adolescents who engaged in health-risk behaviors.   
                  Three phenomenological themes emerged: encountering life adversity, my health-risk behaviors, and bounced back effects. The participants explained their attitudes to the factors that lead them to health risk behaviors or encountering life adversity meant living with at-risk families and being forced into premature adulthood, which were all self-reported health-risk behaviors. They indicated that they had an ability to bounce back from the problems related to these behaviors. In order to encourage and promote health among adolescents who drop out from school, nurses have to concentrate on assessment and care planning of adolescents’ risk behaviors and the determinants to these, including adolescents’ friends and families.


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How to Cite

Jinruang S, Phuphaibul R, Jiawiwatkul U, Panitrat R. A Phenomenological Study of Health-risk Behaviors among Thai Adolescents who Drop-out from School. PRIJNR [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];21(3):195-20. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/PRIJNR/article/view/62868



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