Development and Psychometric Testing of the Cambodian Nursing Care Quality Scale


  • Virya Koy RN, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and Chief Bureau of Nursing and Midwifery, Ministry of Health, Cambodia
  • Jintana Yunibhand RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Yupin Angsuroch RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Sue Turale RN, DEd, FCNA, FACMHN, Editor,Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research ,and Editor, International Nursing Review, Australia


Cambodia, Instrument development, Nursing care quality, Psychometric testing


              The evaluation of nursing care quality as a patient outcome is critical to improving practice, and requires appropriate instruments that have been validated and are reliable. Although a number of such instruments have been developed in the west, there are few in Asia and none in Cambodia where nursing quality needs vast improvement. The aim of this study was to develop the Cambodian Nursing Care Quality Scale and assess its validity and reliability.
            The design of this study was instrument development and psychometric testing. This methodological study had seven steps in instrument development, including content validity assessment by 5 experts. It was then tested with 240 registered nurses in 12 hospitals from five geographic areas of Cambodia who had undergone a multistage random sampling procedure. The analysis involved exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency testing. The instrument was developed as a questionnaire which had six factors: patient outcomes; physical environment; ethics-oriented activities; nurses’ characteristics; nurses’ task activities; and progress of the nursing process. Only 35 items were kept after exploratory factor analysis. The instrument had an acceptable level of construct validity and good internal consistency, indicating its usefulness to measure nursing care quality in Cambodia. It needs further testing with different samples. Nursing and health leaders need to find ways of improving nursing care and developing nursing quality, and instruments used for measuring nursing care quality must be reliable and valid.

Author Biography

Jintana Yunibhand, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand




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How to Cite

Koy V, Yunibhand J, Angsuroch Y, Turale S. Development and Psychometric Testing of the Cambodian Nursing Care Quality Scale. PRIJNR [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];21(4):267-79. Available from: