Knowledge, attitudes, and practices for preventing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens among professional nurses at Si Prachan Hospital


  • Chulaporn Khamdee Si Prachan Hospital, Suphanburi Province


Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, preventing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens


This research is descriptive research aimed at exploring the knowledge, attitudes, and practices for preventing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens among professional nurses at Si Prachan Hospital. The sample group consists of 30 registered nurses working in patient wards at Si Prachan Hospital. The research tools include questionnaires assessing knowledge, attitudes, and practices for preventing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens. Data was collected in February 2024 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency, percentages, means, standard deviations, and simple regression.

The results showed that the sample group has a high level of knowledge for preventing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens, with 80.0% having a high level of knowledge. Their attitudes toward preventing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens are also high, with 93.3% exhibiting a positive attitude, and their practices in preventing the spread are at a high level, with 100.0% practicing prevention measures. However, further analysis by items showed that the sample group scored less than 50% in knowledge in certain areas, including item 2: wearing gloves when touching the normal skin of patients, item 6: methods of cleaning blood stains on the floor, item 13: wearing gloves when caring for patients with infections, and item 14: wearing a protective apron when wiping down patients with infections. Attitudes toward preventing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens showed a statistically significant positive correlation with the practice of prevention measures (r=.398, p<.05). However, there was no statistically significant correlation between knowledge and the practice of prevention measures at the .05 significance level

The recommendations from this research suggest that there should be an emphasis on providing accurate knowledge regarding the prevention of the spread of drug-resistant pathogens to professional nurses. This is to ensure understanding, awareness, and recognition of the importance of practicing measures to prevent the spread of drug-resistant pathogens.


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