The competency of after-hours nurse supervisors as perceived by themselves and by charge nurses of nursing service department at Songklanagarind Hospital

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สุดจิต ไตรประคอง
ภินวนันทน์ เพชรบำรุงเขตต์


The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore  the competency of after-hours nurse supervisors as perceived by themselves and by charge nurses  innursing department atSongklanagarind

Hospital. The samples of 107 after-hours nurse supervisors and 113 charge nurseswere selectedby a systematic randomly sampling  method.  Theresearch instrument was a supervisor competency questionnaire. Its content validity was approved by five experts. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.97. Percentages, means, standard deviations and t-test were used to analysis.The results revealed that  the after-hours nurse supervisors’ totalcompetency as perceived by themselves (M= 3.64, SD =0.45)  andbycharge nurses(M = 3.52, SD= 0.47)wereat thehigh level. The three topmost competencyasperceived by after-hours nurse supervisors were human relations and communication,problem-solving and decision-making, and quality control and ethics.  The three topmost competency asperceived by charge nurses were human relations and communication,  quality control and ethics,andproblem-solving and decision-making.  The competency of after-hours nurse supervisors as perceived by themselves  was significantly different from those as  perceived by charge nurses (p <.05).

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How to Cite
ไตรประคอง ส., & เพชรบำรุงเขตต์ ภ. (2016). The competency of after-hours nurse supervisors as perceived by themselves and by charge nurses of nursing service department at Songklanagarind Hospital. Thai Journal of Nursing, 60(3), 14–20. Retrieved from
Research Article


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