Reasons, perceived barriers and benefits in people over 50 years who not undergo Colonoscopy

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วราภรณ์ ศิริธรรมานุกุล
มณีรัตน์ ธนกิจวณิชกุล
จุฑามาส แสงทองดี


The purpose of this cross-sectional descriptive study was to examine the reasons, perceived barriers and perceived benefits of Colonoscopy in people over 50 years who not undergo Colonoscopy. The sample was 108 people over 50 years who not undergo Colonoscopy in the colorectal screening at Chulabhorn Hospital. The interviewing by telephone was used in data collecting. The research results were  as follows.

1) The six main reasons among people  who did not  undergo Colonoscopy included time inconvenience  or  unavailable time ( 34.26%), worry or afraid of pain or adverse side effects of colon perforation  along  with anesthetic and  Colonoscopic procedures (27.78%), having health problems (12.04%), no accompanying persons (12.04%), forgetting an appointment date (7.41%), and transport inconvenience (6.48%).

2) People perceived barriers of colonoscopy in overall at the low level (M=2.17,

SD =1.37), but  perceived its benefits in overallat the highlevel (M=4.36, SD =0.43).

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ศิริธรรมานุกุล ว., ธนกิจวณิชกุล ม., & แสงทองดี จ. (2016). Reasons, perceived barriers and benefits in people over 50 years who not undergo Colonoscopy. Thai Journal of Nursing, 60(3), 36–44. retrieved from
Research Article


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