Ethical behaviors among nursing students, Faculty of Nursing, Bangkokthonburi University

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ปิ่นทิพย์ บุณยชาต
ดร. สุลี ทองวิเชียร


The purposes of this descriptive research were to examine the ethical behaviors of nursing students and to find the relationship between student age, Grade Point Average(GPA),  monthly allowance, attitude toward nursing profession, parenting styles  and ethical behaviors of nursing students at  the Faculty of Nursing, Bangkokthonburi University. The sample of 157 undergraduate students in the second  and  third years of  the academic year 2010  at Faculty of Nursing,  Bangkokthonburi University,  was purposively selected. The research tool was the questionnaire which consisted of four sections: 1) personal data, 2) attitude toward nursing profession, 3) parenting styles, and 4) ethical behaviors.  Content validity was tested by three experts. The reliability coefficients of the questionnaire part 2 to 4 were 0.83, 0.61, and0.94 respectively. Research data were analyzed by frequency,  percentage,  mean,  standard deviation, Pearson’s  Correlation. The significant level was  .05 for all statistical tests. The results revealed  that the ethical behaviors of nursing students were at the moderate level (M= 3.44, SD = 0.33). The democratic parenting styles was  founded  in  94.9 percent of students.  Attitude toward nursing profession was at the high level (M = 3.66, SD = 0.36).  There were significantly positive relationships between ethical behaviors and monthly allowance, attitude toward nursing profession, and democratic parenting style at p< .05. Ethical behaviors did not significantly correlate with age, GPA, authoritative, permissive, and neglecting parenting styles.

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How to Cite
บุณยชาต ป., & ทองวิเชียร ด. ส. (2016). Ethical behaviors among nursing students, Faculty of Nursing, Bangkokthonburi University. Thai Journal of Nursing, 60(3), 45–52. Retrieved from
Research Article


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