Organizational climate and organizational commitment of registered nurses in a chain of private hospitals

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ชุติมา สุทธิประภา
นิตยา เพ็ญศิรินภา
พรทิพย์ กีระพงษ์


This descriptive research aimed to study: 1) levels of the organizational climate and commitment;
2) relationships between personal factors, performance, organizational climate, and the organizational commitment;
and 3) inflfluence of personal factors, performance and organizational climate on the prediction of organizational
commitment among registered nurses in a Chain of Private Hospitals. The study was conducted among 143 registered
nurses randomly selected out of 204 registered nurses in a Chain of Private Hospitals, using a questionnaire with
the reliability values of 0.89 and 0.93 for organizational climate and organizational commitment respectively. Data were
collected and then analyzed to determine percentages, means, and standard deviations, and perform chi-square test,
determine Pearson’s product moment correlation coeffificient, and stepwise multiple regression analyses. The results
showed that: 1) the organizational climate and organizational commitment of registered nurses were at moderate
level; 2) the organizational climate was signifificantly correlated to organizational commitment (p <.001), while age,
working experience, marital status, and performance had no relationship with organizational commitment; and
3) the organizational climate could signifificantly predict 58.6% of organizational commitment (p <.001).

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How to Cite
สุทธิประภา ช., เพ็ญศิรินภา น., & กีระพงษ์ พ. (2019). Organizational climate and organizational commitment of registered nurses in a chain of private hospitals. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(4), 25–33. Retrieved from
Research Article


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