Effectiveness of a pain management and environmental adjustment program for elderly with knee osteoarthritis

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พรทิพย์ พรหมแทนสุด
สุทธีพร มูลศาสตร์
ดนัย หีบท่าไม้


The purposes of this quasi-experimental research were to study the effectiveness of a pain management and
environmental adjustment program for elderly with knee osteoarthritis at Khlongya Subdistrict, Ao Luek District,
Krabi Province. The sample of 56 elderly with knee osteoarthritis, was purposively selected. They were divided into
experimental and comparative groups, 28 each. The instrument included the program for pain management and
environmental adjustment which was developed based on gate control theory. The 8 weeks activities of program
comprised: (1) blocking pain at cerebral cortex by developing self-management skills for knee osteoarthritis,
(2) stimulating large nerve fifibers for closing gates which received pain signal by applying herbs and exercising
quadriceps muscles, and (3) decreasing physical stimuli which were the causes of pain by arm swinging for controlling

weight and adjusting environment to prevent joint bending. Data collection questionnaire comprised general informa-
tion, information related to osteoarthritis, severity of osteoarthritis, levels of knee pain, self-management behaviors,

and a medical record. Its content validity was 0.85, and Cronbach's alpha coeffificient was 0.87. Data was analyzed
by descriptive statistics and t-test. The results revealed as follows. After enrolling the program, 1) self-management
behaviors of the experimental group were signifificantly higher than before attending the program and higher than
comparative group (p < .05). 2) Levels of knee pain and levels of severity of osteoarthritis of the experimental group
were signifificantly lower than before attending the program and lower than comparative group (p < .05).

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How to Cite
พรหมแทนสุด พ., มูลศาสตร์ ส., & หีบท่าไม้ ด. (2019). Effectiveness of a pain management and environmental adjustment program for elderly with knee osteoarthritis. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(4), 34–43. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/202078
Research Article


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