Cultural care for older persons with end of life in community

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Araya Tipwong
Bumpenchit Sangchart


This qualitative research aimed to describe cultural care for older persons with end of life in the community at Northeastern of Thailand. The informants were those with direct experiences related to care, including older persons with end of life and their family members,  community volunteers,  local administrative organization officers,  physicians, nurses, palliative care team, folk healers,  Brahmin and priests. They altogether were 78 people and were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected by in-depth interview.  Data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The findings revealed three patterns of cultural care of older persons with end of life including the care for: 1) being in a good condition, 2) having a good cure, and 3) having a good death.

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How to Cite
Tipwong, A. ., & Sangchart, B. . (2019). Cultural care for older persons with end of life in community. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(1), 11–19. Retrieved from
Research Article


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