Nutritional risk, nutritional care and clinical outcomes of patients with major surgery

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สุกัญจนา พันธ์ศรี
พรรณวดี พุธวัฒนะ
นพวรรณ เปียซื่อ


The purposes of this descriptive research were to explore and study the relationship of nutritional risk, nutritional care, and clinical outcomes of patients with major surgery. The purposive sample consisted of 70 of patients undergoing major surgery at Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. Data was collected by data recording form and nutrition alert form. The Data was analysed by descriptive statistics and Spearman Rank correlation.  The results revealed that 24.3% of the sample group had nutritional risk and 7.1% had severe malnutrition. The enteral nutrition was started at 1 to 112 hours or 4.67 days after surgery. Most of the sample (92.9%) received early enteral nutrition (within 48 hours after surgery) and 97.1 % of them attained nutritional goal within 7 days. The median length of hospital stay was 4 days, mean 5.1 days. Postoperative infection was 2% and no one died. Time to start enteral nutrition and time to attained nutritional goal were significantly correlated with length of hospital stay (rs =0.514, p <.01, rs = 0.740, p < .01, respectively). The score of nutritional risk was not correlated with length of hospital stay (rs = 0.073, p >.05).

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How to Cite
พันธ์ศรี ส., พุธวัฒนะ พ., & เปียซื่อ น. (2019). Nutritional risk, nutritional care and clinical outcomes of patients with major surgery. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(4), 44–52. Retrieved from
Research Article


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