Secondhand smoke avoidance behavior in women with smoking family member

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Atcharaporn Prathumsuwan
Surintorn Kalampakorn
Perapong Inthasorn


This descriptive study aimed to examine secondhand smoke avoidance behavior of women with smoking family members and its related factors. The samples consisted of 385 women with smoking family members who had been screened for cervical cancer at Siriraj Hospital selected by purposive sampling.  Self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results showed that 53.2% of women with smoking family members had secondhand smoke avoidance behavior at a high level. The behavior reported highest was refusal to enter into a situation where secondhand smoke is ( M ± SD = 3.30 ± 0.64), and the behavior least reported was control of secondhand smoke exposure (M ± SD = 2.90 ± 0.73). Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that perceived self-efficacy of secondhand smoke avoidance behavior, situational influences,  perceived benefits of secondhand smoke avoidance behavior,  number of day secondhand smoke exposure from others and ages were  significantly related to secondhand smoke avoidance behavior in women with smoking family members.   These factors could altogether explain 30.7 percent of the variance in secondhand smoke avoidance behavior.

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How to Cite
Prathumsuwan, A. ., Kalampakorn, S. ., & Inthasorn, P. . (2019). Secondhand smoke avoidance behavior in women with smoking family member. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(2), 17–26. Retrieved from
Research Article


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