Opinion toward the management of smoke-free Suan Dusit University among administrators and faculty at Suan Dusit University

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Raphatphorn Petchsuk
Jira Jitsupa
Pleonta Pipatsombat


Opinion toward the management of smoke-free Suan Dusit University among administrators and faculty at Suan Dusit University is presented as the result of interviewing seven executives and lecturers at Suan Dusit University. Their opinion are as followings; 1) Chief executives should take the major role in policy maker on  smoke-free Suan Dusit University and  setting up any measures for smoking prohibition in campus areas, surveillance, monitoring and penalty systems;  2)  Lecturers should help students to raise their awareness and  to support their motivation to quit smoking;  3)  All sectors should strictly follow the policy implementation and cooperate with non-smoking campaign. Two measures for developing smoke-free zone within the campus are  attitude adjustment and  motivation enhancement to reduce, stop, and quit smoking. Campaign running for non-smoking should be supported by the university  in order to ensure the translation of policy into practice.

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How to Cite
Petchsuk, R. ., Jitsupa, J. ., & Pipatsombat, P. . (2019). Opinion toward the management of smoke-free Suan Dusit University among administrators and faculty at Suan Dusit University. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(2), 45–50. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/213256
Academic Article


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