Effects of a Continuing Care Module on self-care knowledge, self-care competence and HbA1C level in person with type II Diabetic Mellitus and the first insulin injection

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Chantaporn Teeratongdee


This quasi-experimental research aims to investigate effects of a continuing care module (CCM)on self-care knowledge, self-care competence and HbA1C level in person with type II Diabetic Mellitus and the first insulin injection. A purposive sampling was used to select 64 diabetic person who received the first insulin injection  at outpatient department, Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital.  The implementation was conducted during July, 2016  to August, 2017. The research tools consisted of  a continuing care module, a knowledge test, a questionnaire on self-care competence for person with type II Diabetes. Data were analyzed for frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation and t-test.    The findings were  as follows. 1) After receiving the CCM,  person with type II diabetes, had higher self-care  knowledge and self-care  competence than before receiving the CCM  and  decreased HbA1C level  at p <  .05.  2) After receiving the CCM, person with type II diabetes who received the CCM, had higher self-care  knowledge and self-care competence than the comparative group at p < .05,   but  HbA1C level did not different from the comparative group  at  p > .05

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How to Cite
Teeratongdee, C. . . (2019). Effects of a Continuing Care Module on self-care knowledge, self-care competence and HbA1C level in person with type II Diabetic Mellitus and the first insulin injection. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(1), 20–28. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/213580
Research Article


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