The development of a self-management support model for Thai Muslim patients with hypertension at Ao Luek District, Krabi Province

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ณาตยา ละงู
สุทธีพร มูลศาสตร์
วรรณรัตน์ ลาวัง


The research and development study aimed: 1) to study the demand for self-management support of Thai
Muslim patients with hypertension in Ao Luek district, Krabi province, 2) to develop a self-management support model for Thai Muslim patients with hypertension, and 3) to study the effectiveness of the self-management support model for Thai Muslim patients with hypertension. The samples were: 1) the sample of 24 Thai Muslim patients with hypertension servicing at chronic disease clinic, Ao Luek hospital. 2) the sample of 6 professional nurses taking care of patients with hypertension. They were selected by purposive sampling, and 3) the sample of 35 Thai Muslim patients with hypertension who were selected by simple random sampling. The research instruments consisted of: 1) a focus group guidelines to study the demand for self-management support of patients which was developed underlying the concept of 5A, and 2) a questionnaire of self-management support and self-management behaviors of Thai Muslim patients with hypertension. Content validity indexes of questionnaires were 0.74-0.94 and reliabilities were 0.83-0.85. Statistical devices used for data analysis were descriptive statistics and t-test. A content analysis
was used for qualitative data. The results revealed as follows. 1) Thai Muslim patients with hypertension demanded for self-management support in terms of clinic, self-management support handbook, and home visit according to their belief of Islam. 2) The developed model comprised health assessment, advice, agreement for goal setting, assistant, and arrangement for follow up and evaluation which specific for Thai Muslim patients with hypertension and appropriate for clinical implementation at high level Finally, 3) after the model implementation, the self-management support and self-management behaviors were           significantly higher than before implementation at p< .05, but the mean blood pressure was non-significantly decreased at p> .05.

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How to Cite
ละงู ณ., มูลศาสตร์ ส., & ลาวัง ว. (2019). The development of a self-management support model for Thai Muslim patients with hypertension at Ao Luek District, Krabi Province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(3), 38–45. retrieved from
Research Article


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