The effects of using the foam mattress and the blanket torus on perineal pain and satisfaction in postpartum women at Ramathibodi Hospital

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พรศรี ดิสรเตติวัฒน์
นิตยา โรจนนิรันดร์กิจ


This quasi-experimental study aimed to compare perineal pain and satisfaction between using the foam mattress and the blanket torus in postpartum women at Ramathibodi Hospital.  The sample of 30 postpartum women was  purposively selected. Research tools consisted of  numerical pain scales and satisfaction questionnaire. The Cronbach alpha coefficient of satisfaction questionnaire was 0.82. Mean, standard deviation and t-test were used in data analysis. The results of this study showed  that  there was no significant difference in perineal pain between postpartum women who used the foam mattress or  the blanket torus at p >.05.  After using the foam mattress or  the blanket torus,  perineal pain  was significantly decreased  from  pre-experimental period at  p< .001. The postpartum women who used the foam mattress had  higher satisfaction in total and in the subscales of  benefit  and easy using than those who used the blanket torus  at p <.05.  

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How to Cite
ดิสรเตติวัฒน์ พ., & โรจนนิรันดร์กิจ น. (2019). The effects of using the foam mattress and the blanket torus on perineal pain and satisfaction in postpartum women at Ramathibodi Hospital. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(2), 1–7. retrieved from
Research Article


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