Application the local wisdom for developing health promotion among older adults in community

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สายฝน เอกวรางกูร
นัยนา หนูนิล
อรทัย นนทเภท
อุษา น่วมเพชร


The objective of this action research was to develop the application of local wisdom for developing health promotion among older adults in community. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants from elderly leader group, health promotion leader group in elderly population, and older adult group who live in Tha  Khuent,  Amphoe Tha Sala,  Changwat Nakhon Si Thammarat. The study processes consist of three phases. The data were collected using a questionnaire, focus-group discussion, individual interview, brain-storming, and observation. Content analysis was used in  data analysis. The results found that application the local wisdom included three characteristics: 1) individual level; using loincloth for body massage and the use of local herbs and vegetables to cook for the elderly, 2) group level; knowledge and storytelling through audio cable, circle dance mortar beith, and happy esiimsi, and 3) local wisdom for promoting good attachment; massage and spell the media, guide children to nurse the elderly, happy calendar, folk tales and nursery rhymes to teach children, and shell pulley exercise. Elderly perceived themselves and their friend that they had change to the positive lifestyle which increased their happiness

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เอกวรางกูร ส., หนูนิล น., นนทเภท อ., & น่วมเพชร อ. (2019). Application the local wisdom for developing health promotion among older adults in community. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(2), 18–26. retrieved from
Research Article


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