Work happiness of Thai nurses in a different point of view

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ละมิตร์ ปึกขาว


This descriptive research aimed to describe  work  happiness of Thai nurses in a different point of view.     A sample of 12 people, was purposively selected  including  hospital administrators, academician / instructors,  physicians,  external auditors and  monks. Research instrument was an interview tool.  Data were analyzed using content analysis. The results are as follows. 1) Hospital administrators express their point of view that Thai nurses are leaders and have high potentiality. Work  happiness is caused by giving and caring for patients, but work unhappiness is due to hard work, less compensation and less career advancement. 2) The academician/ nurse instructors  said  that nurses felt unhappy due to documenting overload from quality assurance work, unclear professional advancement, changes in society and technology, and too many hospital administrators.  3) The physicians said  that  nurses were unhappy because of less career advancement,  non-available officer position,  overload work from non-nursing tasks, and low compensation. In addition, their work are also risk to legal action.

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How to Cite
ปึกขาว ล. (2019). Work happiness of Thai nurses in a different point of view. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(2), 44–50. retrieved from
Research Article


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