Smoking behavior and nicotine addiction among security guards

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นัทธพงค์ ศิริจรรยา
จอมใจ ราชคม
ณศพร ธรรมนิธิศ
ธนัญญา วรรณเรศ
รุ่งนภา สุภายอง
ศุภนิดา ปั้นน้อย
วงเดือน สุวรรณคีรี


The objectives of this descriptive research were to study smoking behaviors, nicotine addiction of security guards at Naresuan University, and to compare nicotine addiction between the regular and occasional smokers. The samples of 133 security guards working at Naresuan University, was systematic randomly selected. The research instrument was a questionnaire on smoking behavior and Fargerstrom nicotine dependence. The content validity index of smoking behavior questionnaire was 0.95. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the nicotine dependence questionnaire was 0.80. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Fisher’s exact test. The result revealed that security guards were regular smoker (43.61%) occasional smoker (9.77 %) and ex-smoker (at least a year ago) (14.28 %). The percentage of smokers who had nicotine addiction at the low-level, medium-level, and high-level, were 77.47, 16.90, and 5.63 respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in nicotine addiction between the regular and occasional smokers at p > .05.

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How to Cite
ศิริจรรยา น., ราชคม จ., ธรรมนิธิศ ณ., วรรณเรศ ธ., สุภายอง ร., ปั้นน้อย ศ., & สุวรรณคีรี ว. (2019). Smoking behavior and nicotine addiction among security guards. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(1), 19–26. Retrieved from
Research Article


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