Effects of a muscular strength rehabilitation ability development program for caregivers of cerebrovascular patients at Phanom Dong Rak District, Surin Province

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Aua-aree Suebsohdee
Warinee Iemsawasdikul
Mukda Nuysri


The objectives of this quasi-experimental research were to compare the muscular strength rehabilitation ability of cerebrovascular patients, muscle strength and daily activities ability in an experimental group and comparison group before and after experiment and after experiment between the experimental group and the comparison group. The sample comprised 2 groups: (1) cerebrovascular patient caregivers who were the main caregivers at homes and lived with patients and (2) cerebrovascular patients who attended at Phanom Dong Rak Community Hospital Commemorating His Majesty the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary and lived in Phanom Dong Rak district, Surin province. They were selected by purposive sampling technique as inclusion criteria to be in the experimental group and the comparison group, 30 persons in each group. The experimental tool was the Muscular Strength Rehabilitation Ability Development Program for Caregivers of Cerebrovascular Patients based on the supportive and educative nursing system of Orem’s self-care theory. The data collecting tools were the muscular strength rehabilitation ability of cerebrovascular patients’ questionnaires, the reliability was 0.94 and patient data record including; personal data, muscle strength and daily activities ability. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics,  t-test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and Mann-Whitney U test. The results founded as follows. (1) After experiment, the muscular strength rehabilitation ability for cerebrovascular patients of the experimental group was significantly higher than that before and the comparison group (p < .05). The muscular strength rehabilitation ability of cerebrovascular patients in the comparison group was not significantly different from before. (2) After experiment, the muscular strength and daily activities ability of the experimental group were significantly higher than before (p < .05) and the right side muscular strength and daily activities ability of the experimental group were significantly higher than the comparison group (p < .05). Muscular strength and daily activities ability of the comparison group were not significantly different than before.

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How to Cite
Suebsohdee, A.- aree ., Iemsawasdikul, W., & Nuysri, M. . (2019). Effects of a muscular strength rehabilitation ability development program for caregivers of cerebrovascular patients at Phanom Dong Rak District, Surin Province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(3), 11–20. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/233321
Research Article


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