Effectiveness of basic life support retraining program on knowledge and chest compression performance in basic life support among new registered nurses

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Kanda Tantasirin
Suphamas Partiprajak
Noppawan Piaseu


This quasi-experimental research aimed at investigating knowledge on basic life support ofnew registered nurses after one year and comparing knowledge and chest compression performance of  basic life support [BLS] of new registered nurses in the pamphlet and BLS training video group and those in the pamphlet and instructor-led  BLS training group. Data were collected from 40 subjects using the basic life support knowledge scale and the chest compression performance.  Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and t-test.  The findings revealed that after one year, the scores of BLS of new registered nurses reduced with statistical significance (p < .001).  After undergoing retraining in two groups, their knowledge increased with statistical significance (p < .001). The subjects in the pamphlet and BLS training video group, their knowledge  was significantly lower than that of the subjects in the pamphlet and instructor-led BLS training group (p < .05). The overall chest compression performance of  both groups were not different, but the chest compression rate in the pamphlet and BLS training video group was considered too fast compared to the pamphlet and instructor-led BLS training group (p < .001). 

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How to Cite
Tantasirin, K., Partiprajak, S. ., & Piaseu, N. (2019). Effectiveness of basic life support retraining program on knowledge and chest compression performance in basic life support among new registered nurses. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(3), 21–29. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/233324
Research Article


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