A cross level interaction of administrators’ ethical leadership on the relationship between organizational climate and organizational commitment of the instructors in Faculties of Nursing of the Private Higher Educational Institutions: A multi-level structural equation model

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Chonticha Chonsawat
Prapatpong Senarith,
Sukhum Moonmuang


This explanatory research was intended to (1) develop a multi-level structural equation model to explain the cross-level interaction of administrator’s ethical leadership on the relationship between organizational climate and organizational commitment of the instructors in faculties of nursing of the private higher educational institutions; (2) study the relationship between the administrator’s ethical leadership and the organizational commitment of the instructors; and (3) assess the cross-level effect of administrator’s ethical leadership on the relationship between organizational climate and commitment of the instructors in the prior-mentioned institutions.  At the organizational level, the sample for this study were 22 institutions of nursing of private higher educational institutions, which 110 administrative staffs were identified to provide administrator’s ethical leadership data; while at the individual level, 528 instructors were randomly selected to provide data through questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, multi-level structural equation modelling, and cross-level interaction assessment were used for data analysis.  The findings indicated that (1) the multi-level structural equation model of cross-level interaction of factors under study was well fitted with empirical data, and the multi-level structural equation model of the instructors’ organizational commitment was also consistent with empirical data with gif.latex?\chi2 = 1.011, df = 1,  p-value = 0.314, RMSEA = 0.005, CFI = 1.00, TLI = 1.00, SRMR Within = 0.001, and SRMR Between = 0.032 respectively. (2)  for fixed effect, it was found that the administrator’s ethical leadership had no effect on instructors’ organizational commitment. For random effect, in each institution there was significant difference among institutions at .01 level. However, (3) the study found no cross-level effect of administrator’s ethical leadership on the relationship between organizational climate and commitment of the instructors.

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How to Cite
Chonsawat, C., Senarith, P., & Moonmuang, S. . (2019). A cross level interaction of administrators’ ethical leadership on the relationship between organizational climate and organizational commitment of the instructors in Faculties of Nursing of the Private Higher Educational Institutions: A multi-level structural equation model. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(3), 56–63. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/233370
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