The effect of cold cream applied over the skin to prevent pressure sore among bedridden patients in intensive care unit at Chonprathan Hospital

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Sodsai Singkongsin
Nessara Sumpuntarut
Siripa Chuentrakul


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to examine the effect of cold  cream applied over the skin to prevent pressure sore among  bedridden  patients in intensive care unit  at Chonprathan Hospital.  A sample of 30 patients who received services in the intensive care unit, was purposively selected.  All patients  received standard nursing care as well as standard nursing care plus cold cream.  Research instruments consisted of personal data questionnaire,  pressure sore assessment,  standard nursing care and standard nursing care plus cold cream.  Data were analyzed for frequency, percent, mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that patients  who received standard nursing care as well as standard nursing care plus cold cream did not have any pressure sores.

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How to Cite
Singkongsin, S., Sumpuntarut, N., & Chuentrakul, S. (2020). The effect of cold cream applied over the skin to prevent pressure sore among bedridden patients in intensive care unit at Chonprathan Hospital. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(4), 49–55. Retrieved from
Research Article


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