Exercise for the elderly

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Chadaporn Kongpetch


Exercise  has  much benefits for the elderly that it should be a part of everyday life. There are four types of exercises for the elderly including endurance,  balance,  strengthening, and flexibility.  Endurance or aerobic exercise activities increase breathing and heart rate, brisk walking is the best advantage among aerobic exercise activities for older adults. Balance exercise  help to improve mobility and can prevent falls. Strengthening or resistance exercise  make the muscles stronger.  Lifting weights can build up strength. Flexibility or stretching exercise  stretch your muscles and help your body do daily activity and improve range  of  motion. Dance,  yoga, and  stretching are the a  typical  type  of  muscle  group  exercise.

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How to Cite
Kongpetch, C. . (2020). Exercise for the elderly. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(4), 64–71. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/233553
Academic Article


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