A smoking cessation relapse recovery program among the conscript in Prince of Chumphon Camp, Chon Buri province

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Sugunya Khamgorn
Ann Jirapongsuwan
Surintorn Kalampakorn,
Sukhontha Siri


This quasi-experimental study aimed to study the effectiveness of the smoking cessation program for relapse stage conscript in Prince of Chumphon Camp, Chon Buri province. The  sample of 56  conscripts  in Prince of Chumphon Camp, Chon Buri province,  are in the relapse phase of smoking cessation and in the pre-contemplation stage according to the Transtheoretical model. Each experimental and  control group consisted of  28 participants. The experimental group received the smoking cessation program once a week for four consecutive weeks, whilst the control group received no intervention. The data were collected through self-report questionnaires at pre-post intervention and the follow-up period. The descriptive statistics, Chi square test, Fisher’s exact test, One-way repeated  measures  ANOVA, Paired  t-test, and Mann-Whitney U test were adopted for analysis  The results showed that after the intervention, the experimental group had  higher perceived self-efficacy  in smoking cessation than the pre- intervention period with statistical significance (p < .001). However, the between group difference was not found (p  >.05). Exhaled carbonmonoxide was decreased in the experimental group when compared to the pre-intervention period with statistical significance (p < .001). However, it revealed no statistical significance when compared  to the control group ( p > .05) The nicotine addiction level in the experimental  group was decreased when compared to  the pre-intervention period  and  the control group with statistical significance (p <  .05).  The smoking cessation behavior  in the experimental group  was greater  than the control group  and  higher at the post-intervention, yet not statistically significant (p > .05).  In addition,  the smoking cessation success of the experimental group was higher than the control group with statistical significance (p < .05)

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How to Cite
Khamgorn, S., Jirapongsuwan, A., Kalampakorn, S., & Siri, S. . (2020). A smoking cessation relapse recovery program among the conscript in Prince of Chumphon Camp, Chon Buri province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 69(1), 44–63. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/240803
Research Article


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