Counselling for smoking cessation by self- regulation

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Chomnard Potjanamart
Mullika Matrakul
Nattaya Phadeanok
Onnalin Singkhon


This academic article aims to present a process of counselling for smoking cessation by self-regulation. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide. Tobacco cessation can prevent  tobacco-related diseases such as coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. The strategies which can be used for smoking cessation, are  abruptly quitting without assistance, and cutting down then quitting. However, only 5-7 percent of quit attempts without assistance are successful  in long-term.  Behavioral therapy  or  medications has 10-30  percent of successful smoking cessation, but its combination can increase the chance of successful rate into 30-40 percent. The most important factor for smoking cessation is self-regulation because no one can help if a person does not want.  Counselling for smoking cessation by self-regulation  is the method that allow person to activate,  monitor and control his behavior  when facing internal or external challenges in order to achieve desirable outcomes.

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How to Cite
Potjanamart, C. ., Matrakul, M., Phadeanok, N., & Singkhon, O. (2020). Counselling for smoking cessation by self- regulation. Thai Journal of Nursing, 69(1), 54–61. retrieved from
Academic Article


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