Joy at work of professional nurses in Surin Hospital

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Ratchaneekorn Panwong
Aree Cheevakasemsook
Renugar Thongkamrod


The purposes of this mixed-methods research were: 1) to study joy at work of professional nurses in Surin Hospital,  2) to compare joy at work of professional nurses classified by departments,  3) to investigate factors related to their joy at work  and 4) to explore  a guideline for creating their joy at work. The sample of  254 nurses, was  selected using  systematic random sampling. Research tools comprised: 1) a joy at work questionnaire based on Warr (2007). It was approved content validity (0.60-1.00) and reliability coefficient was 0.88. 2) A question guideline was used for focus group discussion. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and content analysis.  The  results showed as follows. 1) Overall joy at work of professional nurses was at the high level.  2) Joy at work among professional nurses classified by departments illustrated that there was no significant difference. 3) There were two related factors of their joy at work: 1) Personal factors, and 2) environmental factors embraced opportunity for personal control, opportunity for job skill use, job goal, job variety, proper compensation, job advancement, physical security, value social position, supportive supervision, equity, and colleague relationship.  4) the guideline for creating their joy at work contained 4 aspects as follows: 1) Organization e.g. built up enjoyable organizational culture,  2) administrators e.g. promoted self-development personally and regularly,        3) personnel e.g. paid attention to their job and learn continuously,  and 4) colleagues e.g. created good relationship in organization.             

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How to Cite
Panwong, R., Cheevakasemsook, A. ., & Thongkamrod, R. (2020). Joy at work of professional nurses in Surin Hospital. Thai Journal of Nursing, 69(3), 11–19. Retrieved from
Research Article


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