Psychological impacts on patients with critical illness: Management strategies

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Wichitra Kusoom
Sununta Krongyuth


Critical illness is life threatening and also one of the causes for patients to be admitted into the intensive care unit (ICU) where they need advanced medical technology, various medications to sustain and support their lives. These medical procedures eventually are associated with physical, psychological impacts on patients and their families. A number of negative impacts on the patients are excruciating pain, immobility, sleep disorder, stress, anxiety, and ICU delirium. With regard to the health of the patients in the ICU, and quality critical care has therefore been delivered through the efficient management of the critical care provider. The management strategies involve managing care with multi-discipline team, and using protocols “ FAST HUGS BID ” care model which include: 1) F: feeding; sufficient nutrients and fluid 2) A: Analgesia; pain management, 3) S: Sedation,                                         4) T: Thromboprophylaxis 5) H: Head-up, 6) U: Ulcer prophylaxis 7) G: Glycemic control,        8) B: Spontaneous breathing trial,  9) Bowel movement, 10) I: Indwelling catheter,   and        11) D: Drug De-escalation.  In addition, nurses should provide suitable environment, controlling noise, light, and providing information to families. Nurses should also work with the patients, trying to encourage their cognation, thinking, memory and orientation. Using implementation strategies can improve not only physical but also psychological health of patients. Therefore, these can   reduce mortality rate, short ICU stay, and less cost of care.

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How to Cite
Kusoom, W., & Krongyuth, S. (2020). Psychological impacts on patients with critical illness: Management strategies. Thai Journal of Nursing, 69(3), 53–61. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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