The evaluation of nurse executive training programs of The Nurses' Association of Thailand

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Thipkhumporn Keskomon
Yupin Neamsaeng
Kwanta Boonvas
Panarut Wisawatapnimit
Siritorn Yingrengreong
Sookruedee Thutsaringkarnsakul


The purpose of this evaluative research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the nurse executive training programs of The Nurses' Association of Thailand. The sample of 123 subjects including trainees, their superordinates and the program commitees, was purposively selected. The research instruments were questionnaires and a semi-structured interview. Its index of item-objective congruence [IOC] was 1.00. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t- test and content analysis. The results showed that the nurse administrators’ and the head nurses’ overall satisfaction towards the program was at a high level (M = 4.31, SD = 0.48) and at the highest level (M = 4.73, SD = 0.45) respectively. The trainees had desirable characteristics at a high level. After training, their knowledge, attitude and practical skills in management were significantly higher than before training at p < .001. Their performance-oriented developments and  the work operations that affected the organization were at high levels. These results were consistent with the opinions of their superordinates. The strengths of these programs included the content, the instructors, and the relationship building activities. However, the responses of the various needs of the trainees and limited training duration should be improved.

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How to Cite
Keskomon, T. ., Neamsaeng, Y. ., Boonvas, K. ., Wisawatapnimit, P. ., Yingrengreong, S. ., & Thutsaringkarnsakul, . S. . (2021). The evaluation of nurse executive training programs of The Nurses’ Association of Thailand. Thai Journal of Nursing, 70(4), 60–70. Retrieved from
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