Community health promotion model for aged society at Muang District in Chaiyaphum Province
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This action research aimed to study the health lifestyle of the elderly, to develop a community health promotion model for aged society at Muang District in Chaiyaphum Province, and to assess satisfaction of the elderly on community health promotive participation. The samples were 414 elderlies at Mueang District in Chaiyaphum Province, and fifteen key informants including care givers, village health volunteers and public health staffs. The research instruments were the health lifestyle questionnaire, a satisfaction questionnaire on community health promotive participation, and a focus group discussion guideline. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results were as follows. 1) All six components of health lifestyle including health responsibility, activity of daily living and exercise, food consumption, stress management, interpersonal relation, and spiritual development, were at the moderate level. 2) The developed health promotion model for aged society consisted of community involvement, the provision of health promotion services, health risk screening, network building, and promotion of exercise in community. 3) The overall satisfaction of the elderlies on the community health promotive participation, were at the highest level (M = 4.73, SD = 0.58).
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