Effects of self-care enhancement program using mutual goal setting with husband on self-care behaviors and blood sugar levels in pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus

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Duangporn Pasuwan
Wanpen Waelveerakup
Jutatip Tepsuwan
Sunee Netpinyo
Siriporn Chayathab
Supparat Wichientanont


This quasi-experimental study aimed to determine the effects of self-care enhancement program using mutual goal setting with husband on self-care behaviors and blood sugar levels in pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus. A sample of 60 couples of pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus and their husbands was purposively selected. They were equally divided into the experimental and comparative groups. The experimental group participated in the self-care enhancement program using mutual goal setting with husband for 16 weeks, while the comparative group received regular care in hospital. A research tool was the self-care behavior questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and t-test. The results revealed that after the experiment, self-care behaviors of pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus in the experimental group were significantly higher than the pre-experiment (t = 9.991) and the comparative group (t = 2.980) at p < .05, but the blood sugar levels were not significantly different.

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How to Cite
Pasuwan, D. ., Waelveerakup, W. ., Tepsuwan, J. ., Netpinyo, S. ., Chayathab, S. ., & Wichientanont, S. . (2023). Effects of self-care enhancement program using mutual goal setting with husband on self-care behaviors and blood sugar levels in pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus. Thai Journal of Nursing, 72(2), 31–40. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/258959
Research Article


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