Development of 4 areas of health among youth in Ban Ubekkha’s Juvenile Vocational Training Center

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Orathai Pongkaew
Pongsri Srimorakot
Maturos vongchai


This quasi-experimental research aims to evaluate the health of youth in Ban Ubekkha’s  Juvenile Vocational Training Center in 4 aspects including nutritional consumption behavior, exercise and physical activities, stress management, tobacco cessation and smoke - free environment management and the overall well-being. Based on review literature and the context of the training center, 65 youths participated in this study. Results showed that, after receiving the health development program,  the youths got better nutritional consumption behaviors in basic nutritional knowledge of not being consumed too often, better knowledge and attitudes toward good nutritional behavior, and healthy food selection.  . They could cope better with stress in the part of emotional tolerance. They also perceived better physical health significantly at p < .05. The smoking cessation behavior and smoking free environment management after the activities, revealed that  75.4 and 66.2 percent of youths could quit smoking at the 3 month, and the 6 month follow up respectively.

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How to Cite
Pongkaew, O. ., Srimorakot, P. ., & vongchai, M. (2024). Development of 4 areas of health among youth in Ban Ubekkha’s Juvenile Vocational Training Center. Thai Journal of Nursing, 73(1), 54–62. Retrieved from
Research Article


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