Translation and psychometric properties testing of the positive and negative perfectionism scale (Thai version)

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Arpakorn Prewnim
Sansani Rungrattawatchai


 The purposes of this research were to translate and to examine psychometric properties of the positive and negative perfectionism scale (Thai version [PNPS-Thai version] ). The research process consisted of two phases: Phase 1: Translation and determination of the cultural content validity of the PNPS-Thai version using a process of forward and reverse translation that was applied in conjunction with translation and cultural adjustment processes. Phase 2: Determination of the reliability of the PNPS-Thai version.  The research results showed that the content validity index for cultural content of the PNPS-Thai version was 1.00 and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the total scale was 0.943. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the positive perfectionism scale was 0.925, and the negative perfectionism scale was 0.914.

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How to Cite
Prewnim, A., & Rungrattawatchai, S. . (2023). Translation and psychometric properties testing of the positive and negative perfectionism scale (Thai version). Thai Journal of Nursing, 72(4), 51–60. retrieved from
Research Article


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