The effect of self-management program emphasizing multifidus exercise on pain among patients with chronic low back pain

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Sirirat Sirisurachatchawan
Pachanat Nunthaitaweekul


This quasi-experimental research aimed to determine the effect of self-management program emphasizing multifidus exercise on pain among patients with chronic low back pain. The subject were patients with chronic low back pain for more than 3 months, aged 20-59 years, visit to the orthopedic out-patient clinic in Chonburi Hospital. They were purposively selected and equally divided into the experimental and control groups. The control group received normal nursing care while the experimental group received self-management program emphasizing multifidus exercise for 6 weeks. Research tools were personal data and the Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SFMPQ). The reliability (Cronbach’ alpha coefficient) of SFMPQ was 0.70.  Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and  t-test. The result show that 1) patients with chronic low back pain, after received self-management program emphasizing multifidus exercise, the pain score was significantly lower than the pre-program (p < .05).  2) Patients with chronic low back pain, after received self-management program emphasizing multifidus exercise, the pain score was significantly lower than the control group which received normal nursing care (p < .05). 

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How to Cite
Sirisurachatchawan, S. ., & Nunthaitaweekul, P. (2023). The effect of self-management program emphasizing multifidus exercise on pain among patients with chronic low back pain . Thai Journal of Nursing, 72(4), 11–20. Retrieved from
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