The effects of applying transitional care model for delaying progression in chronic kidney disease with hypertension patients

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Walailuk Mankhong
Nongpimol Nimit-Arnun
Sasitorn Roojanavech


This quasi-experimental study, one group pre–posttest design, aimed to compare knowledge, self-management behaviors, and clinical outcomes among known cases of chronic kidney disease (Stage 3-4) with hypertension patients. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 20 subjects who participated in the 8-week transitional care program, undergone individualized transitional care plan by transitional care nurse. The research instrument consisted of disease-based knowledge and self-management behaviors questionnaires. Both of them were quality approved the content validity by experts, with reliability coefficients of 0.71 and 0.80. The descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, and paired t-test were applied for data analysis. The results found that, in post-test period, the mean rank of knowledge showed 15 subjects increased, 4 subjects stabilized, and 1 subject decreased with statistical significance. The renal function topic got the highest score for change. Meanwhile, the mean rank of self-management behavior showed 15 subjected increased, 2 subjects stabilized, and 3 subject decreased with statistical significance (p < .05). The self-medication topic got the highest score of change. However, no statistically significant changes were found in clinical outcomes.

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How to Cite
Mankhong, W., Nimit-Arnun, N. . ., & Roojanavech, S. . . . (2024). The effects of applying transitional care model for delaying progression in chronic kidney disease with hypertension patients. Thai Journal of Nursing, 73(4), 21–30. retrieved from
Research Article


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