The effects of VDO media usage for pre-operative preparation on the knowledge and Satisfaction of patients same day surgery at ear throat nose operating room, Thammasat University Hospital


  • Pensri Janu โรงพยาบาลธรรมศาสตร์เฉลิมพระเกียรติ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


video media, outpatient operations in ear throat and nose Operating room, pre-operative preparation, knowledge, satisfaction


Background: Surgery is a life threatening event. When a person experiences an illness and has to undergo surgery, it can be stressful, fearful, and anxious due to ignorance or lack of accurate information. Therefore, nursing care for preoperative information is important. It was found that there is no clear pattern. As a result, patients with anxiety may have unstable vital signs exceeding the expected standard for surgery  and lead to postpone surgery.

Objective: To   compare the outpatients’ knowledge before and after getting pre-operative preparation by the video media and to study patient’s satisfaction at the ear, nose and throat out-patient operating room of Thammasat University Hospital.

Material and methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study, employing the one group pretest-posttest design in twenty-eight patients.  Video media was used to conduct the experiment. The collected data included personal information, knowledge and satisfaction questionnaire. For the test of knowledge, the mean scores before and after watching the video were compared using Student t-test for dependent samples. The satisfaction enumerated by mean.

Result: The difference of the knowledge mean scores before and after the treatment was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The satisfaction was at the high level.

Conclusion: Providing information with video media makes the patient more knowledgeable. The result of this research can be used as a model to provide preoperative information in all surgical procedures at Thammasat University Hospital. Further study is required whether this intervention may help to reduce the surgery postponement.


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How to Cite

Janu P. The effects of VDO media usage for pre-operative preparation on the knowledge and Satisfaction of patients same day surgery at ear throat nose operating room, Thammasat University Hospital. TUHJ [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];3(3):47-65. Available from:


