Management of nursing services for COVID-19 patients in the cohort isolation and negative pressure room: a case study of Thammasat University Hospitall


  • ladawan Ritklar -


COVID-19 Patients, Cohort Isolation, Negative pressure room, Management, Patient care


COVID-19 is an emerging infectious disease leading to severe illness. Caring must be specific, especially the prevention and spread of infection to ensure the safety of for patients, relatives, medical personnel and persons. This article aims to present the experience of nursing service management for COVID-19 patients in the patient cohort isolation and negative pressure room at Thammasat University Hospital. Two important aspects are management of care and patient care process. Management according to the 4M principle consists of management of 1) manpower, 2) location, environment, equipment and tools, 3) management and 4) finance. Patient care process consists of 1) patient admission, 2) nursing care, 3) patient transport and 4) patient discharge. Such performance allows the hospital to manage the nursing services for COVID-19 patients effectively without occupational related infection. Therefore, interested agencies can apply guidelines for future benefits.


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How to Cite

Ritklar ladawan. Management of nursing services for COVID-19 patients in the cohort isolation and negative pressure room: a case study of Thammasat University Hospitall. TUHJ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];7(3):9-22. Available from:


