The Effectiveness of innovative automatic cooling device compression on pain and swelling in patients who underwent hip and femoral surgery : Phase I


  • ณัฐกานต์ คุณธร งานการพยาบาลผู้ป่วยวิกฤตวิสัญญี


automatic cooling device compression, reducing pain and swelling, hip and femoral surgery


Background: The nursing care tool to reduce pain and swelling in patients after orthopedic surgery and other Procedures is often out of date. Using the Cool gel for cold compression must be stored in the refrigerator. This causes the nursing care to be intermittent and there are several limitations, namely, continuous cooling, not enough time to cool. The researcher, therefore, developed this device to use in the care of patients after surgery.

Objective: To study the effectiveness of an innovative automatic cooling device compression for reducing pain and swelling. Phase 1 is a cooling system and a cold water supply control system.

Material and methods: We developed an innovative automatic cooling device compression and tested the first phase of the cooling system and the cold water supply control system. We also by checked the cooling time and measuring the cooling temperature after leaving the face of the cold compress against the temperature of the chiller and compared with the set temperature at the compressor. The percentage difference between the temperature set in the cold water tank and the face of the cold pack was performed and tested be paired samples t-test of temperature end the working time.

Result: The cooling time of the automatic cooling device compression innovation varied with the water temperature with the formula = 0.0009- 0.2506+28.002, value of the set temperature at the compressor with the temperature in the cold water tank is 0 Celsius and the ability to produce cooling exactly as needed on average 100%, The value of correlation = 0,  value of cooling loss 3.92°C, p-value = 0.00. The system follows orders for 20 minutes and takes a 20-minute break.

Conclusion: The temperature of the cold water in the tank and the set temperature was not different more than 5 degrees Celsius. The automatic control system of the water supply of the automatic cold compress innovation are able to work as instructed for 20 minutes, and take a 20-minute break.


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How to Cite

คุณธร ณ. The Effectiveness of innovative automatic cooling device compression on pain and swelling in patients who underwent hip and femoral surgery : Phase I. TUHJ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];8(1):13-27. Available from:


