Experience of low vision rehabilitation of people with visual impairments, ophthalmic Out-patient departments, Thammasat University Hospital


  • Pavarisa Thancharoen Thammasat University hospital, Thammasat University


experiences of low vision rehabilitation, people with visual impairment


Background: Low vision causes poor quality of life in the affected patients. Visual rehabilitation is very important. Exploration of problems/experiences and develop a nursing guideline for caring is extremely needed.

Objective: To explore and provide an understanding of low vision rehabilitation from vision impairment patients’ experience.

Material and methods: This study was a qualitative research. It was conducted on 20 purposively sampled participants who were vision impairment patients diagnosed by ophthalmologists.  Data were collected from June 2019 to March 2020. An in-depth interview along with non-participatory observation and field note were recorded.  Data were analyzed using content analysis.

Result: The meaning of low vision rehabilitation based on the perspective of people with vision impairment is defined as receiving treatment and in knowledge of the rehabilitation.  It aimed to increase vision ability and the patients become more independent.  The pattern of low vision rehabilitation were 1) adapting to familiar environment, 2) using low vision aids, and 3) using self-source low vision aids techniques. Furthermore, the influencing factors of low vision rehabilitation among the participants were 1) family support, and 2) perceiving lifestyle limitation.

Conclusion: The result of this study could provide an understanding of low vision rehabilitation from vision impairment patients’ experience.  Also, these findings could provide foundation data for developing nursing practice guidelines to promote patients’ low vision rehabilitation to enhance quality of life.


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How to Cite

Thancharoen P. Experience of low vision rehabilitation of people with visual impairments, ophthalmic Out-patient departments, Thammasat University Hospital. TUHJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];8(2):31-43. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TUHJ/article/view/260898


