Parents’ Level of Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Children Dental Health Care Behavior of parents having pre-school Children with or without Caries in Nongkhae Municipality, Saraburi Province

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วรพรรณ ถมยา


This study aimed to study personal characteristic factors, level of correct dental health care knowledge, level of self-efficacy of children oral health care ability and children dental health care behavior of parents in Nongkhae Municipality, Nongkhae district, in 2015.Sampers were 87 parents of 5-year-old children without dental caries free and 157 having dental caries. Data collecting by direct questionnaire. Analysis by percentage, mean and standard deviation, and Chi-square. The result showed, parents were mostly female, age of 31-40 years, being company personnel, having monthly income of 10,001- 20,000 baht, married status, being their father and mother, and having 2 children under their dental health care. Parents having caries free children were younger, have higher education, married and higher monthly income. Both groups of parents had no different of correct children dental health care knowledge at the high level ; they had self-efficacy level at the moderate level. Parents having children with dental caries had more self-efficacy on tooth brushing for children, caring children’s teeth healthy and management of children for dental treatment. They showed no different in behavior of dental health care for children.


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ถมยา ว. Parents’ Level of Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Children Dental Health Care Behavior of parents having pre-school Children with or without Caries in Nongkhae Municipality, Saraburi Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];21(2):28-36. Available from:
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