A Development of dental services at Sangkhlaburi Hospital in Kanchanaburi Province

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สาวนาถ เลิศสำราญ
สมชาติ โตรักษา
นิทัศน์ ศิริโชติรัตน์


The study is the experimental development research and with pre and post-test evaluation aimed to develop a dental services model for district hospital developed by using existing resources and compare outcomes before and after using the model. The instrument was the developed dental service model, which continuously improved. The researchers conducted the study at dental department of Sangkhlaburi Hospital in Kanchanaburi province between March 9 and June 26, 2015. The samples are the whole patients who get the services each visit, from arrival in to the service until they left. The number of dental services, pre-test and post-test, was 178 people. There were 87 people responded the questionnaires. The researchers assessed 5 domains of outcomes: workloads, quality, time period and workforce, satisfaction, and economic results. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, paired t-test, Mann-Whitney U test at alpha 0.05, and content analysis. The research results revealed that the new developed model was good and efficiency. It created a documented standard workflow of dental service that was easy to carry out. After the experiment, the output results were better than the old model. The number of permanent tooth removal services was increased when compared with the same amount of labour (p=0.034*). The average time consumption of permanent tooth removal service was decreased (p=0.029*). The material cost of tooth removal per visit was decreased (p<0.001*). The percentage of accuracy of paperwork preparation before beginning daily work and accuracy and completion of work according to the standard of dental services were improved.


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เลิศสำราญ ส, โตรักษา ส, ศิริโชติรัตน์ น. A Development of dental services at Sangkhlaburi Hospital in Kanchanaburi Province. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2016 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(2):88-96. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/149251
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