The Dental health care experience of Autistic children caretakers.

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อัชฌา เอี่ยมอธิคม


This qualitative research aimed to study dental healthcare experience of  Autistic children caretakers. Data was gathered during May 2010 until January 2011 using in-depth interview with caretakers of autistic children who were studying at Polromanusornmittaparb 50 or at Special Education Study Center or those who received development stimulation treatment from Phra-Narai Hospital in Lopburi province. Samples were selected based on voluntariness of respondents. In addition, open-ended questions were asked during the interview so as to cover dental health behaviors, psychosocial factors and the expectation of caretakers.

          From the research, Ages of sample group selected were in between 29 to 58 years old with education level from elementary to undergraduate. Interviewees comprise 4 males and 9 females who looked after autistic children aged from 4 to 11 years old. It appeared that 10 of 13 Autistic children consumed   milk  containing sugar. 8 of them underwent assisted tooth  brushing. Moreover, 10 of them never sought any dental services. The expectation of caretakers  were  social  understanding  and  acceptance.


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เอี่ยมอธิคม อ. The Dental health care experience of Autistic children caretakers. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];20(1):81-8. Available from:
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