Development of sealant service in primary school students Phrompiram hospital, Phitsanulok province, Thailand during educational years 2006-2014

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ฉัตรชัย มาแก้ว


This action research aimed to develop a model of dental sealant service in first permanent molars in order to cover primary school students in Phrompiram hospital area during educational years 2006-2014.The main activities were(1) to determine the available of dental units and dental equipments daily (2) to developskill and knowledge of sealant service for dental personnel annually (3) to provide sealant on the first permanent molars in grade 1 and grade 2 students according to a risk criteria (4) to check retention of sealant after one year in grade 2 students.Data were collected the available of dental units and dental equipments daily, oral examinationin studentsgrade1 and2every year, retention of sealant on the first permanent molars in grade 2 students and oral health status in grade 6 students. Results showed the process of dental units and dental instruments daily check up was done 100 percent.92.1-96.7 percent of grade 1 students received oral examination and 70.1-81.3 percent of grade 1 students who received the oral examination were sealed the first permanent molars.Grade 2 students, who matched the criteria or need to reseal, received sealant on the first permanent molars93.2-96.5 percent.Percentage of complete sealant retention after 1 year on the first permanent molarswere 71.7-98.3.Result of the development of sealant service measured from the prevalence of dental caries in grade 6 students (aged 12 years) showed a slight decrease during the first 3 generations of the process (2011-2013) and a significant fall in the 4thgeneration (2014).


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มาแก้ว ฉ. Development of sealant service in primary school students Phrompiram hospital, Phitsanulok province, Thailand during educational years 2006-2014. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];20(3):17-2. Available from:
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