A comparison survey of oral health promotion activities and the environmental conditions that affect oral health in the Child Development Center, year 2007 and 2010

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เขมณัฏฐ์ เชื้อชัยทัศน์
สุรางค์ เชษฐ์พฤนท์


The objective of this study was to explore the situation of oral health promotion activities and environmental conditions that affect oral health of the children in the Child Development Center (CDC) in 2010 compare with 2007. Data were collected from interviewing teachers in 12 provinces, 12 health region, during May to September 2010. The result indicated an increasing of brushing children’s teeth after lunch from 89.8 % to 91.8 %, an increasing of keeping toothbrush separately for individual 84.8 % to 88.1 %, an increasing of replacing toothbrush twice per semester from 26.7 % to 34.0 %. Fluoride toothpaste was used along the process. Fluoride toothpaste used can be classified into 48.6% of toothpaste for children. 71.5 % of teachers gave pea-size toothpaste to children. There were 82.6 % of CDCs that children were supervised by teachers during brushing. There was an increasing of CDCs that provided fruits with lunch for 3 to 5 days per week from 27.8 % to 45.7 %. There were a decreasing of CDCs that provided either sweetened milk or drinking yogurt from 74.2 % to 68.9 % and a decreasing of CDCs that children used milk bottle from 86.6 % to 76.5 %. There were an increasing of daily oral hygiene examination by teachers from 45.7 % to 52.7 % and an increasing of tooth decay examination in children by health centers’ officers from 33.3 % to 79.0 %. Moreover, there were the increasing of amount of local organizations and community associated with CDCs as the committee members and participants to support supplies and budget in the activities held by CDCs from 43.3 % to 47.8 %.


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เชื้อชัยทัศน์ เ, เชษฐ์พฤนท์ ส. A comparison survey of oral health promotion activities and the environmental conditions that affect oral health in the Child Development Center, year 2007 and 2010. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];20(3):57-66. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/151296
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