Satisfaction and Quality of life of elderly after wearing complete dentures on His Majesty the King Prosthesis Service Campaign at Krok Phra Hospital , Nakonsawan Province.

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เบญจมาส สือพัฒธิมา


The Objectives of this study were to assess satisfaction and oral health related quality of  life   after wearing complete denture at Krok Phra Hospital, Nakornsawan province in His Majesty the King Prosthesis Service Campaign during 2005-2009. This descriptive study was collected the data by interviewed one hundred and eighty three elderly at age ≥ 60 years old who worn complete denture. Data was collected during May-July 2010. Tools were satisfaction assessment form by Dental Health Division, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health and OIDP form. Descriptive statistics were frequency, mean, percentage and standard deviation. Results showed that the elderly who worn complete denture was female 66.7 percent. 51.4 percent received information about the Campaign from officer’s Health Promoting Hospital, Village Health Volunteer, Local District Administrative. 54.1 percent went to hospital with their relatives, 82.5 percent used their dentures for food chewing and making them to be good looking, 95.2 percent cleaned their dentures with toothpaste and brushing, 70.3 percent took off their dentures during sleeping. After this group had worn their dentures, 88.0 percent were more happy, 87.4 percent had good emotion and  felt free to smile, 84.2 percent had more food chewing, 78.1 percent had satisfaction at good level and 71.0 percent were categorized as never have had oral health related quality of life (OIDP=6.45±5.27).The difficulties were eating and speaking. In conclusion, the most important that made elderly feel satisfaction and improved quality of life was more food chewing.


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สือพัฒธิมา เ. Satisfaction and Quality of life of elderly after wearing complete dentures on His Majesty the King Prosthesis Service Campaign at Krok Phra Hospital , Nakonsawan Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];18(1):36-48. Available from:
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