The sugar consumption of Thai population during 1997-2010

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ขนิษฐ์ รัตนรังสิมา


The objective of this study was to determine the sugar consumption of thai people. And used as the basis for planning and management the projects about consumption behavior for students and people involved. Learn how to used secondary data form website of Office of the Cane and Sugar Board during 1997-2010. The figure was 28.1 kg per capita in 1997. The recent figure in 2010 shown very high sugar consumption at 33.8 kg per capita. Sugar was more indirectly consumed than direct consumption. The ratio between indirect consumption and direct consumption was  3:2.  Beverage industry was the most contributed product of sugar with percentage of   47.7, 45.9 and 45.5 respectively from 2008 to 2010. While the percentage of candy industry which was most risky to oral health was 2.9, 7.4 and 3.3   respectively.  Because sugar was a common risk of many chronic diseases. Provision of public health program focusing on sugar consumption reduction in all specific ages was a significant concern of sugar consumed indirectly throught food and  beverage products.


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รัตนรังสิมา ข. The sugar consumption of Thai population during 1997-2010. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 11];17(2):23-30. Available from:
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