Participatory Action Research (PAR): Network Strengthening for pluralistic Partnership In Sweet enough Eating Behavior among Thai Children

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ผุสดี จันทร์บาง
ปิยะดา ประเสริฐสม
ปราณี เหลืองวรา


The Dental Health bureau, Sweet enough eating Network, Institute for Community Empowerment, Phra Yannasungworn  hospital, Terng hospital, Parn hospital, and Chiang Rai Provincial Health Office have conducted the participatory action research in developing a model of the promotion of eating sweet enough behavior among Thai schoolchildren The study is  participatory action research between pluralistic partners from  government and non-government  sectors  and area partners from primary schools in Terng, Parn and Viangchai districts, Chiang Rai province. The qualitative research  aimed  to study and develop a participatory model in dental health promotion in Thai primary schoolchildren by using Appreciative Inquiry process and raising  the capacity of health personnel, teachers core groups of primary schoolchildren leaders and pluralistic partnership to become social innovator teamwork for school dental health promotion. Results after one year of the study revealed that there were some profound changes in the promotion of decreasing sweet eating behavior in schoolchildren by community participation namely:1.In strategic approach, there were some integrated activities in dental health promotion  program  with other health issues i.e., obesity, diabetes and malnutrition,2.there were  concrete evident showed decreasing in sweet eating behavior in the schools especially, in lunch program with quantity for health , eating fruit as dessert, and decreasing sweets , 3.the local government participated in the program apparently, 4.there were some networking process for sweet enough eating in the areas voluntarily 5. The social innovators gained some pride in program participation, confident in teamwork and think positive, 6. The core groups of children leaders could advocate and mobilize their groups. The recommendations in this study are: 1.critical success factors  in  mobilizing and supporting dental health behavioral change are leadership and vision of the administrators in dental public health and education:2.Community dental health promotion should be initiated from social capital and  community wisdom rather than focusing on community problems


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จันทร์บาง ผ, ประเสริฐสม ป, เหลืองวรา ป. Participatory Action Research (PAR): Network Strengthening for pluralistic Partnership In Sweet enough Eating Behavior among Thai Children. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];17(2):31-44. Available from:
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