Thai elder’s utilization of dental prosthesis in 2009

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สุณี วงศ์คงคาเทพ


This study is aimed at reviewing how elderly people in Thailand access to dental prosthesis service.  Primary data was derived from two major household surveys conducted by National Statistic Bureau in 2009; health and welfare survey, and economic and social status survey (n = 26,500 households and 73,084 individuals).  Extrapolation to total population by weight was then calculated.

Overall, 98.1% health insurance coverage in 2009 was found among aging population, of which national health insurance scheme contributed 76.1 %.  Among them, dental health care utilization was only 8.6%.  Extraction was the most common (55.5 %) and considering dental prosthesis (15.6%). It was found that CSMBS clients and UC clients paid out-of-pocket was high as 67.3 % and 53.3%.  Among them, 62.1 % and 58.8 seek private services.


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วงศ์คงคาเทพ ส. Thai elder’s utilization of dental prosthesis in 2009. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];17(2):45-59. Available from:
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