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ภัทรวิทย์ เงินทอง


This study aimed to assessing the quality of work life of dentists in community hospital and determining the relationships between general characteristics, i.e, gender, age, marital status, region of hospital, work experience, level of work, educational level and income, organization commitment, job characteristics, organization climate, and quality of work life of dentists in community hospital. Data were collected by using self – administration questionnaire mailing to 1,794 community hospital dentists. The response rate was 41.1%. Only 594 sets were completed. Data were collected from September to October, 2011. Chi – Square and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis were used.

            73.9% of dentists in community hospital had a moderate level of quality of work life. Gender, age, work experience, level of work, educational level, income, organization commitment, job characteristics and organization climate were significantly asscociated  with QoWL(p<0.05).  Seven predictors i.e, organization structure, independence of work, desire to maintain membership of organization, a strong belief in and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values, environment, variety of skills and modern technology could explain 56.3% (R2 adj. = 0.563) variation of  QoWL. Thus community hospital should support modern technology materials and equipment, setting good working environment, Prescribe rules and regulations appropriately to facilitate the operation, provide a clear and effective system of coordination, encouraging career advancement opportunities and providing a steady, clarity and continuity of the remuneration of the profession, define the responsibility of individual dentists, give the opportunity to participate with their own creative way, plan their work, determined at run time, to think and do what they want in their job fully n order to improve their quality of work life.


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How to Cite
เงินทอง ภ. QUALITY OF WORK LIFE OF DENTISTS IN COMMUNITY HOSPITALS. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];17(2):60-7. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/153153
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