Effects of Maternal Psycho - Skill Training on Dental Health Care Behavior for Preschoolers

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วรวรรณ อัศวกุล


Major objective of this Experimental-evaluative study was to study the effects of psycho-skill training on dental health care behavior of mothers of preschoolers. The training set composed of psychological characteristics set (future orientation, self control, belief in internal locus of control concerning health) and dental health skill set. There were 16 questionnairs used to assess all variables and assessed in 3 times: before training, 3 months after training. Random sampling from mothers of preschoolers who applied for training were employed to obtain 322 mothers that have been trained. Thus the model of LISREL 8.25 model was performed to test model in mothers of preschoolers displayed the following results : 1) Model of the causal relationship of dental health care behavior of mothers of preschoolers of all samplings : 322 persons, variable 2 type of trainings directly influenced to 6 psychological characteristics (immediately after training; Path coefficients .43 and to 3 variables of psychological characteristics (3 months after training; Path coefficients .79 and 6 variables of psychological characteristics (immediately after training) directly influenced to 3 variables of dental health care behavior (Path coefficients .59). Moreover. 3 variables of psychological characteristics (3 months after training) and 3 variables of dental health care behavior had positive relationship.


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อัศวกุล ว. Effects of Maternal Psycho - Skill Training on Dental Health Care Behavior for Preschoolers. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2012 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];17(1):35-49. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/178188
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